Christmas is a time of happiness and generosity, as well as an excellent opportunity to enjoy laughter with loved ones. No matter if you are decorating the Christmas tree, attending a festive gathering, or simply having a meal with those close to you, the following 80 Christmas jokes will surely elicit smiles and laughter. Sharing these humorous quips will make the Christmas season feel even more joyful and brilliant.
Santa’s Sillies
- What do you call Santa when he takes a break?
- Santa Pause!
- What does Santa do in his garden?
- He ho ho hos it!
- Why was Santa’s little helper feeling depressed?
- He had low elf-esteem.
- What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective?
- Santa Clues!
- Why don’t you ever see Santa in hospital?
- Because he has private elf care!
- What do you call an elf wearing ear muffs?
- Anything you want. He can’t hear you!
- What kind of motorbike does Santa ride?
- A Holly Davidson!
- What do you call Santa when he stops moving?
- Santa Pause.
- What do you call a broke Santa Claus?
- Saint Nickel-less.
- Why does Santa go down the chimney on Christmas Eve?
- Because it ‘soots’ him!
Reindeer Riddles
- Why did the reindeer go to school?
- To get a “deer-gree”!
- What do you call a reindeer with bad manners?
- Rude-olph.
- Why was the reindeer taking a bath?
- He wanted to be a clean deer for Christmas.
- What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?
- Horn-aments!
- What do you call a reindeer ghost?
- Cari-boo!
- Why is it cheap to feed reindeer?
- Because they’re always “deer” to feed!
- What game do reindeer play in their stalls?
- Antler Antics!
- What do you give a reindeer with an upset stomach?
- Elk-a-seltzer!
- What’s a reindeer’s favorite instrument?
- Horns!
- How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming?
- He looks at his calen-deer!
Elf Jokes
- How do elves greet each other?
- “Small world, isn’t it?”
- What do elves learn in school?
- The elf-abet.
- Why did the elf push his bed into the fireplace?
- He wanted to sleep like a log.
- What kind of photos do elves take?
- Elf-ies!
- Why do elves make good listeners?
- Because they’re all ears!
- What do you call an elf who sings?
- A wrapper!
- What’s an elf’s favorite type of music?
- Wrap music!
- Why did the elf put his bed into the fireplace?
- He wanted to sleep like a log!
- What do elves post on social media?
- Elf-ies!
- How do elves get to the top floor of Santa’s workshop?
- They use the elf-evator.
Snowman Snickers
- What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
- Frosted Flakes.
- What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?
- An abdominal snowman.
- What do snowmen wear on their heads?
- Ice caps.
- How do snowmen get around?
- By riding an ‘icicle!
- Why was the snowman looking through the carrots?
- He was picking his nose!
- What do you call a snowman in the summer?
- A puddle.
- What do you call an old snowman?
- Water!
- How do snowmen greet each other?
- “Ice to meet you!”
- What do you call a snowman party?
- A snowball!
- Why did the snowman turn yellow?
- Ask the dog!
Christmas Tree Chuckles
- Why was the Christmas tree bad at knitting?
- Because it always dropped its needles.
- What do Christmas trees do when they are sad?
- They drop their needles.
- How do Christmas trees keep their breath fresh?
- Ornament-mints.
- **What do you get if you cross a Christmas tree with an iPad?**
- A pineapple!
- Why don’t Christmas trees like sewing?
- They always drop their needles!
- What’s a Christmas tree’s favorite candy?
- Orna-mints!
- Why was the Christmas tree so good at chess?
- It always had the board covered.
- Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber?
- It needed a trim!
- What do Christmas trees drink?
- Spruce juice.
- Why couldn’t the Christmas tree stand up?
- It had too much eggnog!
Festive Fun
- What’s the best Christmas present?
- A broken drum, you can’t beat it!
- Why was the turkey in the band?
- Because it had the drumsticks.
- What Christmas carol is a favorite of parents?
- Silent Night.
- What do you call a cat on the beach at Christmas time?
- Sandy Claws.
- What’s green, covered in tinsel and goes “ribbet ribbet”?
- A mistle-“toad”!
- What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations?
- Tinselitis.
- What do you call a greedy elf?
- Elfish.
- Why is Christmas just like a day at the office?
- You do all the work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.
- Why did no one bid for Rudolph and Blitzen on eBay?
- Because they were two deer!
- What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa?
- A rebel without a Claus.
Yuletide Yucks
- What says ‘Oh Oh Oh’?
- Santa walking backwards!
- Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee?
- Because they’re Santa’s star bucks!
- What do you call an obnoxious reindeer?
- Rude-olph.
- What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?
- Frostbite.
- What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?
- Claustrophobic.
- What nationality is Santa Claus?
- North Polish.
- What do you get if you cross a bell with a skunk?
- Jingle Smells!
- Why did Santa put a clock in his sleigh?
- He wanted to see time fly!
- What do you call a shark that delivers toys at Christmas?
- Santa Jaws!
- What do you call a frozen elf hanging from the ceiling?
- An elfcicle.
Ho-Ho-Holiday Humor
- What do you call a bankrupt Santa?
- Saint Nickel-less.
- What’s Santa’s favorite type of music?
- Wrap!
- Why did the elf push his bed into the fireplace?
- He wanted to sleep like a log.
- What do you get if Santa goes down the chimney when a fire is lit?
- Crisp Kringle.
- Why did Santa’s helper see the doctor?
- Because of his low “elf” esteem!
- What’s red and white and goes up and down and up and down?
- Santa stuck in an elevator!
- What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about their games in a hotel lobby?
- Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer!
- What goes “Ho, Ho, Ho, thump”?
- Santa laughing his head off!
- What do you get if Santa comes down the chimney when the fire is ablaze?
- Krisp Kringle.
- Why do mummies like Christmas so much?
- Because of all the wrapping!
These jokes are perfect for lightening up any holiday occasion. Share them around the Christmas tree, at your holiday party, or during Christmas dinner and watch the joy spread as the laughter fills the room. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!