Easter is more than just egg hunts and chocolate bunnies. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to share jokes and laughter! With funny puns and rabbit-related humor, these 95 Easter jokes are ideal for bringing cheerful amusement to your holiday celebrations. If you want something entertaining for the dinner table or a humorous line for a card, these jokes will surely make everyone grin. So use these to add cheerful lightheartedness to your gatherings, whether you tell them out loud or write them in a greeting.
Bunny Banter
- What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
- Bugs Bunny!
- How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?
- Lots of eggs-ercise!
- What kind of jewelry do rabbits wear?
- 14 carrot gold!
- How do you catch the Easter Bunny?
- Hide in the bushes and make a noise like a carrot!
- What do you get if you give an Easter Bunny a pair of socks?
- A sock hop!
- Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
- To prove he wasn’t chicken!
- What do you call a very smart bunny?
- An egghead!
- How does the Easter Bunny travel on vacation?
- By hare-plane!
- Why was the rabbit rubbing his head?
- Because he had an egg-ache!
- What do you call a sleepy Easter Bunny?
- The Easter Snoozy!
Egg Jokes
- How do eggs stay healthy?
- They “egg-cercise”!
- What day do eggs hate most?
- Fry-days!
- Why did the egg go to school?
- To get “egg-ucated”!
- How do monsters like their eggs?
- Terror-fried!
- Why couldn’t the egg tell a joke?
- It might crack up!
- What do you call an adventurous egg?
- An “eggs-plorer”!
- Why did the egg get thrown out of class?
- Because it was eggs-pelled!
- How did the egg climb the mountain?
- It scrambled up!
- What’s an egg’s least favorite day of the week?
- Fry-day.
- Why did the Easter egg hide?
- He was a little chicken!
Chocolate Jokes
- Why did the chocolate bunny go to the gym?
- To keep its “sweet” shape!
- What do you call a chocolate Easter bunny that was out in the sun too long?
- A runny bunny!
- How does the Easter Bunny eat a chocolate bunny?
- Ears first!
- What do you get if you cross a chocolate bunny with a rooster?
- A cockle-doodle-doo that’s chocolate through and through!
- Why did the chocolate bunny join a band?
- Because it had sweet beats!
- What kind of bean can’t grow in a garden?
- A jelly bean!
- What do you get when you cross an Easter Bunny with a famous detective?
- A hare-lock Holmes!
- Why was the little chocolate bunny sad?
- Someone ate his tail!
- What’s a chocolate bunny’s favorite music?
- Hip hop!
- How do you know when a chocolate bunny is sad?
- When he’s a bit down in the mouth!
Chick Jokes
- Why did the chick disappoint his mother?
- He wasn’t what she was “eggs-pecting”!
- Why did the chick join a band?
- Because it had the “chicks”!
- What do you call a mischievous egg?
- A “practical yolker”!
- Why did the chick cross the playground?
- To get to the other slide!
- How do baby chicks dance?
- Chick-to-chick!
- What do chicks ride at amusement parks?
- The scrambler!
- What do you call a crazy chicken?
- A cuckoo cluck!
- Why did the chick disappoint his mother?
- He wasn’t what she was “eggs-pecting”!
- Why did the chick join a band?
- Because it had the “chicks”!
- What do you call a mischievous egg?
- A “practical yolker”!
General Easter Humor
- **What do you call Easter when you are hopping around?
– Hoppy Easter!
- What do you call a line of rabbits jumping backwards?
- A receding hare-line.
- What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards?
- A receding hareline.
- What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?
- A Hot Cross bunny.
- What do you call a duck who just doesn’t fit in?
- Mallardjusted.
- How does the Easter Bunny paint all of those eggs?
- She hires Santa’s elves during the off-season.
- What kind of bunny can’t hop?
- A chocolate one!
- Why did the Easter egg hide?
- Because it was a little chicken!
- What’s yellow, weighs 1,000 pounds, and sings?
- Two 500 pound canaries!
- Why do we paint Easter eggs?
- Because it’s easier than wallpapering them!
Even More Egg-citing Jokes
- How do you send a letter to the Easter Bunny?
- Hare mail!
- What do you call a mischievous egg?
- A practical yolker.
- What’s the best way to make Easter easier?
- Put an “i” where the “t” is.
- What kind of stories do rabbits like best?
- Ones with hoppy endings.
- How do you catch the Easter Bunny?
- Hide in the bushes and make a noise like a carrot!
- Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?
- He was having a bad hare day.
- What do you call a bunny with a large brain?
- An egghead.
- Why don’t rabbits get hot in the summer?
- They have hare conditioning.
- What do you call an Easter Bunny with a bent ear?
- All ears!
- Why did the Easter Bunny hide the egg?
- Because it was a little chicken!
Punny Play
- Why did the Easter egg hide?
- He was a little chicken!
- What do you call a bunny who tells jokes?
- A funny bunny!
- What do you get if you cross a bee and a bunny?
- A honey bunny!
- What kind of books do bunnies like?
- Ones with hoppy endings.
- Why did the bunny go to the dance?
- To do the bunny hop!
- What do you call a forgetful rabbit?
- A hare-brain!
- How do bunnies stay healthy?
- Eggercise!
- What do you call a bunny with fleas?
- Bugs Bunny!
- What’s the best way to catch a unique rabbit?
- Unique up on it!
- Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
- To prove he wasn’t chicken!
- How do you know carrots are good for your eyes?
- Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?
- What do you call a rabbit who tells good jokes?
- A funny bunny!
- What do you get when you cross a rabbit with shellfish?
- An oyster bunny!
- What do you call a bunny with a dictionary in his pants?
- A smarty pants!
- What kind of book does a rabbit like at bedtime?
- One with a hoppy ending!
- What do you call an Easter Bunny who gets kicked out of school?
- Egg-spelled!
- Why was the little girl sad after the Easter egg hunt?
- Because an egg beat her.
- What do you call a sleeping egg?
- Egg-zosted!
- Why did the Easter Bunny hide?
- He didn’t want to be caught on a bad hare day.
- What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite restaurant?
- What do you call a bunny with a dictionary in his jeans?
- A smarty pants.
- What kind of bunny can’t hop?
- A chocolate one!
- Why are people always tired in April?
- Because they just finished a march.
- What do you call a line of rabbits jumping backwards?
- A receding hareline.
- What do you call a rabbit that tells good jokes?
- A funny bunny!
- Why did the rabbit go to the dance?
- To do the bunny hop.
- **What do you call a bunny with fleas?**
- Bugs Bunny!
- What’s invisible and smells like carrots?
- Bunny burps!
- Why do rabbits eat carrots?
- Because they don’t like to carrot all!
- What do you call a very tired Easter egg?
- Eggs-hausted!
- What music do Easter bunnies listen to?
- Hip hop!
- What do you call a rabbit who’s a comedian?
- A funny bunny!
- What kind of books do little chicks like?
- Peep-tionaries!
- Why are bunnies the luckiest animals?
- They have four rabbit’s feet!
- What do you call an egg from outer space?
- An “Egg-straterrestrial”!
These jokes are perfect for sharing some light-hearted humor with family and friends during Easter. Enjoy the holiday and have a hoppy Easter!